Ferry Orán - Almeria

If you are planning to travel from Ghazaouete to Almeria, the ferry is a very interesting means of transport that allows you to travel by boat from the northwest of Algeria to the southeast of Spain via Almeria. It also allows you to travel with your vehicle on board. As a general rule there is a weekly ferry departure from Ghazaouete to Almeria operated by Armas Trasmediterranea with an approximate duration of 7 hours.
On Clickferry you can book at the best price guaranteed your boat trip from Ghazaouete to Almeria. In addition, you can check which days, times, prices and ferry companies you are interested in to travel by ferry from Ghazaouete to Almeria. We check prices with all available ferry companies so that you do not have to do it and you can travel by ferry from Ghazaouete to Almeria with the lowest price.
Almeria is a Spanish city located in the east of the autonomous community of Andalusia and surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea. One of the main reasons to visit Almeria is the pleasant climate that is enjoyed throughout the year, it has a very warm climate during the summer months, which makes it an ideal destination for those looking for a sun and beach vacation, visit monuments such as the Alcazaba or even practice water sports such as snorkeling in Cabo de Gata.
There are many Algerians in Almeria who work mainly in the agricultural industry and construction. Agriculture is the sector that employs most Algerians, as this province is one of the main fruit and vegetable producing regions.
Trip duration
01:15Cheapest ticket
100 €First ferry
7:00 AMLast ferry
22:30 PMThe average ferry price from Ghazaouete to Almeria is approximately 100 €, depending on the season we are in may vary due to supply/demand. You can book your Almeria to Ghazaouete ferry crossing using our booking engine at the top of this page at the best price guaranteed for your dates.
There are alternative ferry routes from Ghazaouete to Almeria that connect Algeria with Almeria such as the Oran to Almeria ferry .
Ferry timetables from Ghazaouete to Almeria
There is 1 ferry crossing per week from Ghazaouete to Almeria which will facilitate your journey. In order to book your trip safely check in our search engine the available schedules for your dates and book online your ferry tickets Ghazaouete Almeria at the best price.
The first ferry usually departs from Ghazaouete at 14.00h and arrives in Almeria at 21.00h. The last ferry from Ghazaouete to Almeria is usually the same.
Please note that Ghazaouete to Almeria ferry schedules vary depending on the season. Check our search engine for updated schedules based on your travel date to get the most up to date information.
Popular ferry operators for the Ghazaouete - Almeria route
We offer you all the necessary information about ships, routes and ports to travel by Ferry.
Currently this route is operated exclusively by Armas Trasmediterranea.
How long does the boat from Ghazaouete to Almeria take?
The duration of the ferry trip from Ghazaouete to Almeria is approximately 7 hours and we travel by boat about 200 kilometers. This time depends on some factors such as the type of ferry or the weather that accompanies us during the trip.
Where to take the ferry in Ghazaouete?
The port of Ghazaouete is connected to the city center, this city is very close to the Moroccan border.
To get to the boat to Almeria, once you arrive at the port, the ferry docking is on the right side. It is usually easy to locate the ferry area at a glance.
Travel by car or motorcycle from Ghazaouete to Almeria
If you want to make a Ferry trip from Ghazaouete to Almeria with a car, motorhome, van, bus, motorcycle or even bicycle here you can calculate how much it costs to embark your car on board the ferry depending on its size.
You can also navigate without a vehicle on board and rent a vehicle at the offices you will find upon arrival in Almeria.
Traveling with pet on ferry Ghazaouete to Almeria
Many shipping companies allow the transport of pets on board their ships and ferries. It is very important that you check with customer service what the requirements are, they may request the health vaccination card, official animal identification document, that you travel in a carrier or if you travel with a dog, that it is always properly restrained with a muzzle and leash during boarding.
We recommend that you consult directly with Clickferry's customer service department about the animal transportation policies for your trip.
Discounted ferry tickets Ghazaouete to Almeria
Clickferry is the N1Ferry ticket comparator in Spain. In our search engine you can find the cheapest ferry tickets to buy Ferry tickets from Ghazaouete to Almeria online on our website to choose the best timetables at the best price. Here are some special situations where extra discounts are applied to the promotions and discount coupons that are already active in the search engine.
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