Cheap Ferry Tickets El Hierro (Valverde) La Gomera (San Sebastian)

Best offers for Ferries from El Hierro (Valverde) to La Gomera (San Sebastian)
If you are going to travel to La Gomera from El Hierro, the ferry route from El Hierro (Valverde) to La Gomera (San Sebastian) is a key route to do so.
The boat route from Valverde to San Sebastian has several weekly departures and has a journey time of approximately one hour, the time depends on the type of boat and the weather that accompanies us during the trip. On this route several shipping companies operate, the most popular are Fred Olsen Expess and Armas Trasmediterranea.
Currently this route is not operated by ferries, however you can book other routes: ferry to Canaria.
At Clickferry we offer you all the information about routes, prices and routes so you can make Ferry bookings today with origin in El Hierro (Valverde) and destination to La Gomera (San Sebastian). We offer you cheap prices, discounts and great deals for you to enjoy and you can travel from El Hierro (Valverde) to La Gomera (San Sebastian).
Enjoy the municipality of San Sebastian, located in La Gomera, belonging to Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Visit its beaches, markets, its colorful buildings with Canarian architecture or its museums. Do not forget to visit the Casa de Colón, the Torre del Conde or the Casa del Pozo de la Aguada among its great historical monuments.
Trip duration
01:15Cheapest ticket
30 €
First ferry
7:00 AM
Last ferry
22:30 PMEl Hierro (Valverde) la Gomera (San Sebastian) Ferry Price
The average price of the ferry El Hierro (Valverde) is around 30€. Check our search engine for availability and updated prices for your dates.
You can book your ferry back to El Hierro (Valverde) using our booking engine to enjoy the best price and benefit on your ferry ticket from La Gomera (San Sebastian) to El Hierro (Valverde).
Ferry Alternatives from El Hierro (Valverde) to La Gomera (San Sebastián)
No alternative routes have been found at this time. Please contact our customer service team for assistance and an alternative route if available.
There are alternative routes from El Hierro (Valverde) to La Gomera (San Sebastian) with Ferry crossings originating in El Hierro (Valverde) and Ferry crossings to La Gomera (San Sebastian).
Ferry Timetable from El Hierro (Valverde) to La Gomera (San Sebastián)
There are several daily ferry crossings from El Hierro (Valverde) to La Gomera (San Sebastian). You can enjoy your trip by checking online schedules, and booking your tickets on our website to travel safely.
Being a very popular route, we recommend that you make your ferry booking from Valverde to San Sebastian in advance and you can secure your ferry tickets, in addition to benefiting from the best price.
Keep in mind that El Hierro to La Gomera ferry schedules may change depending on the season, and information may vary. We recommend that you check our search engine for updated schedules on the date of your trip.
Popular ferry route from El Hierro (Valverde) to La Gomera (San Sebastián)
We want to offer you all the information you need about routes, ships, ports and schedules to travel by ferry on the route from El Hierro (Valverde) to La Gomera (San Sebastian). Several ferry companies operate on this route, the most popular are Fred Olsen Expess and Armas Trasmediterranea.
How long does the ferry from El Hierro (Valverde) to La Gomera (San Sebastian) take?
The duration of the ferry trip from El Hierro (Valverde) to La Gomera (San Sebastian) is approximately 1 hour and we travel less than 30 kilometers.
This time depends on some factors such as the type of boat or the weather that accompanies us during the trip.
Where do I take the ferry in El Hierro (Valverde)?
The entrance to the port of El Hierro (Valverde), called port of La Estaca, is located in the north of the island of El Hierro, near Valverde.
If you want to get directly to the port of El Hierro you can click on this link.
The access to the port of El Hierro (Valverde), called port of La Estaca is the main port of the island of El Hierro, being the only port where passenger ships dock.
Use the ferry search engine to find out the berth of your shipping company.
The port of La Estaca is a coastal neighborhood located more than 7 km from the municipal center.
Parking in the port of El Hierro (Valverde):
If you do not want to travel with your car on the route from El Hierro to La Gomera and you are looking for where to park in the port of El Hierro we recommend that you request information to know the rates and price of public and private parking, as the price depends on the type of vehicle.
Travel by car or motorcycle from El Hierro (Valverde) to La Gomera (San Sebastian)
If you want to make a Ferry trip from El Hierro (Valverde) to La Gomera (San Sebastian) with a vehicle, caravan, van, bus, motorcycle, bicycle or car you can calculate how much it costs to embark your car on board the ferry depending on its size.
Travel with pet on ferry El Hierro (Valverde) to La Gomera (San Sebastian)
There are many shipping companies that allow the transport of pets on board their ships and ferries. We recommend that you consult with our customer service department about the requirements and conditions, because they may require a health vaccination card, official animal identification document, carrier or muzzle.
Discounted ferry tickets from El Hierro (Valverde) to La Gomera (San Sebastián)
Where to buy a cheap ticket for the El Hierro (Valverde to La Gomera (San Sebastian) Ferry?
Clickferry is the number one ferry comparator in Spain. In our search engine you will find the cheapest ferry tickets and you can buy Ferry tickets from El Hierro (Valverde) to La Gomera (San Sebastian) online on our website to get the best timetables and the best price.
We recommend you take a look at this link to make the most of your trip to La Gomera and learn about its history.
Boat tickets for residents of El Hierro (Valverde) to La Gomera (San Sebastián)
Residents of the Canary Islands are entitled to a 75% discount on the general fare. This rate is cumulative to other applicable discounts such as large family discounts.
Ferry tickets for large family El Hierro (Valverde) to La Gomera (San Sebastián)
You can get discounts on ferry tickets for being a large family. This discount applies to general and special large family. The offer is only for people, does not apply to vehicles and services.
The documentation to be provided is the Official Title of Large Family or Individual Document issued by the corresponding Autonomous Community, must be in force and the ID card or equivalent. If you are a minor under 14 years of age and do not have the document, your date of birth must be noted on the ticket.
Doubts about the choice of ferry?
At Clickfery, we make it easy for you! We offer you personal customer support and help you make your trip. Enter our FAQ section or contact us by Whatsapp in case of any doubts or request after checking them.